Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lajes, Flores - June 5th

We've made landfall in Lajes, the southern tip of the Azores Island Flores, which is the westernmost land in Europe. We didn't have satellite data communications in the crossing, so I haven't been able to update the ship's log. I will do this shortly; for those following our trip, it'll be a bit like reading old newspapers or starting a novel from the last page, the suspense of whether we'll survive ruined. Some teasers: blood was shed, we caught more than fish, one of us was bitten, and on this leg I've seen the coolest animal I've ever seen in the wild.

1 comment:

Peggie said...

Hi Severance,
I have enjoyed reading your log. Very well written narrative!
Sounds like you are having a great trip. Imagine Scott getting 'lost' in a pub???
Stay safe while enjoying a trip of a lifetime.