Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bermuda to Azores – Day 9

Time: 05/29/2008 1200 UTC

Lat: 38 deg 14' N

Lon: 48 deg 09' W

Heading: 100 M

Speed: 6 kt

Wind: SW 5-10 kt

Seas: 2-4 ft

Weather:  Partly cloudy, intermittent showers, 55 deg F.


Very early this morning, we found ourselves in a 1.3kt counter current.  It was pretty discouraging, after working so hard to make progress north.  By 1000 UTC, we'd reached 38 degrees North and finally the current was favorable at around 0.2 kt.  Every bit helps.


Now (~1400 UTC), we have a full knot of current pushing us along.  We're moving at 8 knots, quite a change from a couple of days ago when we were moving backwards.


We appear to be making good time.  We discussed a stopover in Flores, the most northwesterly island of the archipelago.  Robyn and my mother are due to arrive in Ponta Delgada in 10 days, and I expect we'll be to Flores in 6 or 7. 


My father is making a pot of chili.  It's the first non-tuna meal I can recall since leaving port.  Odd.


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