Friday, January 23, 2009

As good as it gets!

This video was taken by Armando as we sailed between Sardinia and Menorica (probably the 1st night as the 2nd had much higher winds and waves).

We're on a beam to broad reach (wind over the side of the boat), the waves are low and not slowing us down at all, Armando has the boat dialed in and we're flying along!

The knotmeter reads 8, but it is about .5 off, but we're getting an honest 7.5 SOG on the GPS (which is really a tad higher than hull speed).

Note the job the autopilot is doing and that I'm nowhere to be seen (snoring comfortably away on the low side down below!).

This is the kind of sailing you always wish for, and sometimes get!

Enjoy the video!


Lisa W said...

Holy crap! I just watched the video and I hope you were tied to the boat. How come I didn't see anybody holding on to the wheel??

I've been reading your blogs and it sounds like you are having a great time.

Take care and keep safe!

jesexton said...

Good sailing Armando, quite beautiful cinematography too. Rememder, take a left at the big rock where the coasts come toghether, after the left, go 1000nm+-, then take a right for 1500nm, ...then you are home.