Unfortunately, medical malady of one of the crew members (Ok....me) caused us to take some time out in our bid to put the Med in our rear view mirror.
So, we end up in a port in Ibiza, just 60nm short of getting to the coast of Spain, which we can run down in the worst of the westerlies.
But, we need to make the jump.
While we were waiting a typical Med gale hit, 50nmph + and over 30 boats got dragged ashore!
We were tied up to a huge catamaran that was directly upwind from us, but we still heeled at over 20 degrees....you could not sleep in a bunk without a lee cloth (used typically offshore) as you would get tossed to the floor.
It howled for at least 20 hours, before subsiding to the normal 24nm wind.
We're waiting on a weather window to make the jump, Armando is in a foul mood, he hates to be stuck somewhere.
But, this is actually a nice town with lots of internet access (that never happens!!!).
Anyway, we're pinned down, it's not as bad as when these boats were driven ashore but when it blows it blows for days.
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