Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Transat Quebec to St Malo

We continue to be in the right place at the right time, with no planning (of course).

When we entered the marina at St Malo there were 5 racing catamarans in port, boats that I've only seen in magazines.

Over the next several days, we watched all kinds of high tech boats arrive, all greeted by horn blowing and a crowd of their family, friends and supporters.

It turns out we were at the finish of a the Quebec – St Malo Transat!

The official tents were set up on the pier and they were providing media support (sail racing in France is hugely popular).

Great luck on our part...wonder what we will stumble on next!

1 comment:

Lewis and Tai said...

Tried and failed to get on a comment on the previous log. If we had a low tide like that we'd don life vests and run for the hill. As I told Tai, its every man for himself in those tusami situations.