I get emails, calls, hear about it on the street, lots of people are reading this, and yet Scott gets no feedback. He is publishing in a void. I try to tell him that he is educating people - on Kafkaism, flags, tides, the French, the fact that some French don't even like the French, etc. And yet, as far as he knows, only Jim is listening.
I get phone calls and emails, not to mention people on the street in our neighborhood, that comment on the blog and how much they are enjoying it. I really heard a lot after Eric left and there was a great void as Scott attempted to find his voice.
My family, and most importantly, my Aunts (thank you Aunt June, Aunt Verna, & Aunt Mert), have followed it religiously. Scott's parents have shared it with their friends , our neighbors who ask after him on a regular basis and have shared it with their friends, some of whom were in the Azores during the war and had fond memories or love northern France, friends of mine from work, some of who know Scott, many who don't, Scott's friends from work(who all know him too well), our friends from Florida, from Michigan, from Portland, from Boston, from Denver, from San Antonio, from California, from Tennesee, and of course from Wisconsin, (you all know who you are!!!). We would be interested to hear from everyone this blog has touched.
I think it is time that Scott heard from his readership. (If no one responds we will know that Jim really is the only one still reading). If you don't know Scott personally, tell how you found him - friend of Diane, parents, neighbor, stumbled on it accidently, whatever.
Now - giving some of you (not you Les, no excuse for you) the benefit of the doubt. It is very confusing to figure out how to post a comment for the very first time. I myself (an I.T. professional of 25 years) posted my first blog comment twice and could not figure out how to delete it.
I have prepared a tutorial for you. In doing so I posted a couple of test comments before I got it right. Once you are set up it is easy, it either knows you automatically or you enter your email address and your password and it knows you.

Click the "Sign Up Here" link and you will get this screen:
It will ask you for your email id. It does not have to be a Google email address, any email address will work, but it does have to be a valid email address.
The reason for this is accountability. No one will be able to see or access your email address, but it prevents spammers or hackers from spreading viruses. When we first set up this blog we said anyone could contribute without signing in. The first day we got a comment that said 'Click Here" for something and it was a virus. By ensuring that everyone who responds to this blog has a legitimate email address it prevents hackers from getting control of the site.
After you enter a legitimate email address, it asks you for a password. Do not use the password for your email account. It is a password only used for this account. Use something easy like Severance, or Scott (or WeLoveDiane!!!). The password does not have to match your email address, it is for the blogger account only.
Finally, enter the name you want to appear when you post your comment. I chose 'Severance Groupie'. So you can see that I entered my email address, gave it a password that was not related to my email account (only valid for google blogging), and gave myself a blogger name. Now type in the funny letters (keeps people from hacking by using computer programs - requires the human eye), and click the acceptance of terms disclaimer - and voila!!! You can now publish as much bad poetry and good commentary as you want.

Next time you come in it will show that you are signed in as ?????. In my case it will be 'Severance Groupie'.
If it does not show that you are signed in, then it will prompt you to sign in. It will ask you for user name and password. Enter your email address for User Id (not your Blogger name) and the password you chose for the blog, then type in the funny letters and hit publish.
For people born after 1980 it is so easy, completely intuitive, but for the rest of us it takes a little experimenting - note my 3 test comments in order to document this.
So please whoever you are, where ever you're at, if you are enjoying these posting - leave Scott a comment. Doesn't have to be funny - just let him know you are there.
Hey Scott!
I've been following your journey since it started. I admit, with four kiddos 4 and under, I don't get online too often, but yours is one site I check regularly. I also have a link to it on my blog. Sounds like you're having a good time!!
We keep you in our prayers!
Kelly & Family in Colorado
Former co-worker of Scott's @ WPS!
Vern Kasten sent out an email regarding your trip and blog, and I'm finding it fascinating. Not all the sailing stuff, but rather the thoughts and reflections which I'm used to hearing from you.
It had to be fantastic to be able to spend so much time with Eric, especially as you're fulfilling a long time dream. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your trip. Is it bad luck to wish someone sailing "Good Luck"?
Steve Powers also a former co-worker of Scott's at WPS.
I have found this trip amazing!! I've never met Scott or Diane in person and I am so glad I was given the opportunity to follow the voyage. I have shared it with many friends in WI and my family in NJ. When catching up on it I feel like I'm reading a good book and I know the characters. Thanks Eric, Diane and Scott for continuing it!
Hey Scott - I keep up on your blog every week and look forward to your new adventures. The updates are amazing. I like seeing the pictures, but even without pictures I can almost visualize it.
Please post some pictures of the bull fight you and Eric went to, if you can.
Lisa in Green Bay
Former co-worker of Scott's at WPS who still has to work! :(
Take care and smooth sailing!
Hi Scott,
I've been enjoying your travels tremendously. I've shared the url with friends and family. When we discuss what you've been up to lately, we all kind of agree our fascination in your travels must be what, for instance, the rest of the world thought about Buffalo Bill adventures as they read the accounts (albeit made up) - even thought the world was well into the industrial age.
We all want to believe we are just around the corner from an amazing adventure. It's good to know we are - if we choose to be.
Keep writing!
Jim Frisch
Hey Scott,
The O'Briens are following your journey closely. I've enjoyed all the stories, descriptions and photos! It is fun to see where you go next and to read about the adventures you encounter. It is true that I am one who reads the blog regularly without commenting (technology shy). Don't feel slighted, I do the same to Corbin...now I had better comment on his blog, too. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with him! Keep enjoying your travels and keep us posted; we do enjoy following you!
Hey scott. this is a test. just learning how to comment. diane is here showing me.
Hey Scott. still testing. how am I doing? I've been reading the other comments, but could never leave one. We miss you around here.
Hi Scott,
We are so enjoying your blog, so I decided I'd better try this. What a adventure! You will have wonderful memories of this trip of a lifetime. How fortunate you are to have the opportunity, the courage and the support (kudos to Diane) to be able to do this. Please continue with the blog and we will keep following your travels.
Aunt Verna
Hi Scott and Diane,
Think I finally got through, thanks to Diane's help. Great trip and I have printed all of it and let so many people read it that you would be amazed, It has been wonderful for all of us in Hastings. Keep safe! and love from all of us.
Aunt June
Hey Scott,
We too have been following your journey closely. As Robin said, it is very much like reading a good book. I can't wait to read the next chapter. I am very good at lurking but with Diane's tutorial I'm finally in (I was born after 1980). Thanks for keeping us in the know. Keep writing and stay safe!
We love you!
Scott's favorite sister-in-law
Hey Scott!!
This is the younger, better looking and more sensible male of the Sexton family. I've been following your blog since day 1, and have found your journey to be both fascinating and educational. Looking forward to future updates.
It has been such a pleasure to read your Blog. All three of you are such great writers, and we expect a published book after the trip. You could call it the "Tales of a Liberal Sailor". We really enjoy your details about the area you are visiting as well as the trials and tribulations of such a trip. Have you had a chance to do any fishing?
Bob & Bridget (&Prada)
neighbors in Florida
Hi Scott,
Neighbor Fred here. I check the site regularly and have enjoyed following your position as well as the commentary. Sounds like an exciting experience. By the time you get back we won't be neighbors anymore. We put the house on the market and are going to move to downtown St. Petersburg. Laurel, next door, mentioned you and Diane have had similar thoughts.
I will continue to follow your travels and thanks for taking the time to prepare the updates.
I'll be asleep Scott when you make landfall in 4-5 hrs achieving your goal( at least one of many), so Here, here to you all, past and present crew.
"Competition is the by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."
Ayn Rand
Hey Scott,
Time for me to weigh in. I've been following regularly since you left. I liked the forst picture the best. That was of the group on your dock before you left. It was a great picture, especially the background which was my house across the canal. Rosie next door was happy to see you leave. She told me she called the cops on you one night when the squeeling noise of your lift woke her up. I see Diane all the time when I ride my bike and she walks the dog. I just didn't know how to contact you before this. Enjoy! I'll be checking in.
Hi Dad,
I'm still with you in spirit! Of course I've been following the dot, watching jealously. You wouldn't believe how many friends and coworkers of mine in the pacific northwest are still following this trip. If one more person suggests that this blog be compiled in a book, I think you'd have enough preorders to vault to the top of the NY Times bestseller list.
Know that there are a lot of people you've never met who have been inspired by your determination and courage to take a risk in pursuing a lifelong dream. That's pretty cool (if you're one of those people, give back a little and introduce yourself).
Lisa, I've been meaning to write about our trip to the bullfight arena. Thanks for the nudge.
And Mom, I just wanted to publicly recognize the selfless support you've provided in making Dad's voyage successful and memorable. Thank you so much. Your self-taught crash course in oceanic weather forecasting is a favorite story of mine, and the time we shared in the Azores when you and Robyn visited was the highlight of my trip.
Talk soon!
I couldn't read the letters to get in before and it took me 4 attempts and I was so mad I nearly destroyed the schools computer, Thanks diane.
It's pretty difficult to post following Eric's heart-felt message.
I, too, have been regularly following your journey. With each entry, I am happy that you are safe and pray for your continued safety. It's been an exciting read .. please continue to keep us posted.
Perhaps you should publish a book about your journey across the sea. Dan Bollom did it, so should you !!!
Reading about your stay in Bretagne brought back memories of my stay in Rennes ... being that I was a shy, quiet, and insecure jeune fille of 18 years, I am sure my experience pales in comparison to your séjour ... c'est la vie!
As each day at work brings something new to complain about (ooh I meant to write discuss; damn keyboard has a mind of its own), you must be celebrating the fact that you are out of range of listening to my rants!!
Make sure to fill out your absentee ballot in November!
Miss you - Pam
Hi Scott and Diane,
Like all of the others, I've been living the trip vicariously through this blog. The ocean crossing, the Azores, the people you've met along the way, the amazing photos.
It's the trip of a lifetime and I'm enjoying reading about every part of it. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us!
Keep those posts coming, I can't wait to hear about the U.K.
Co-worker of Diane's in Appleton.
Hello Scott and newest crew member.
We love the blogs and read them regularly. Diane has been wonderful about keeping the communications flowing. We miss you and hope all is well. We are sure you are enjoying every moment.
Lauel and Kevin
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