Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baie du Mont Saint-Michel

Returning from Mont St Michel Jean-Yves took the coastal road.

The bay is home to mussel cultivation and also some oyster farming (most oystering is done west of versa for mussel production).

Check out the pictures of Cancal (where there are oyster beds right off the city jetty).

Oyster Farm

Oyster Boat

Oyster Market


I know everyone must be sick of hearing about the tides, but bear with me as (if I'm understanding this correctly) this bay claims to have tides second only to the Bay of Fundy!

The large careened boat beached on a spring tide (highest...neaps is lowest). The spring tides will return in about 2 weeks, giving him that much time to work on the bottom.

Tricky business as springs have high and low, so if you were to run aground on the high spring you may have to wait 6 months for a high spring to return!

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