Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Destination Fogo

Having limited sailing experience many years in the past, the run from Praia to Fogo was eye-opening. The winds picked up quickly to an estimated force 7 which Severance handled superbly. A group of dolphins appeared and steadied my nerves with their exuberant runs and jumps as we surf/side slip off the crest of a very large wave into the valley of the next one coming. So far my stomach is holding-just.

In time we find Fogo, dominated by a large volcano that sweeps right out of the ocean and gets lost in the overhanging cloud cover.

Fogo March 6
Early in the morning we awake to the solicitation of a local entrepreneur/rip off artist (Claudio) who swims out to offer his services to guard Severance. The vibe doesn't seem quite right so the decision is to pull anchor, get close to town and complete provisioning.

Breaking surf at this spot and difficult access to the provisions force the decision to return to our original anchorage to complete the task.

On return, the supplies are loaded and then the difficulties begin. It revolves around the value of the services rendered by Claudio. There is a very spirited discussion. Claudio brings reinforcements to the bargaining session and our situation starts feeling a little tenuous.

Money must be passed but we don't have any and they have control of our stern line on shore. So Scott stays on board to guard Severance while Armando and I go to town with Claudio and a truck load of his henchmen. All rests on the money run. My card doesn't work but Armando's does and after money passes hands, we are all friends again.

That's enough. After a long hard day and under the cover of darkness we pull anchor, depart and begin the crossing but not without the feeling that the pirates, unlike the past have moved ashore.

Posted by Danny McJannet

1 comment:

Lisa W said...

It's clear to see that Pirates still exist in today's world. Keep safe and enjoy your next crossing!