Friday, March 27, 2009

Equatorial Crossing and my 57th Birthday (3/15)

Sorry to any and all readers of the blog, but too much fun is being had to do a proper job on it.

But I did have one thing that I really wanted to relay, and that was the equatorial crossing.

For sailors throughout the ages, crossing the equator for the 1st time is a big deal, typically involving ceremonies that were eventful and (not fondly) remembered by the initiants.

We had some other ideas, and had 2 good bottles of Spanish Cava (method de champagnois) chilled.

As we got closer, it dawned on me that the event might even occur on March 15th, which is a birthday that Lewis (my brother) and I share).

It turned out, we did cross at around 5am on the 15th.

As we approached, I decided to play my favorite tune on the stereo, but then realized that I had never established what that was...a good time to put some thought into it.

The artist came 1st, no doubt, Louis Armstrong, the tune was harder, but I came up with it. A search on my MP3 player failed to turn it up, but Armando came through with it on his Ipod and we played "What a Wonderful Life" as we approached 0 degrees Lat.

After that, I played John Lennon's Imagine, then put on a John Lee Hooker album, let the swim ladder down and dragged myself (now 57 years old) across the equator.

Popped the corks on the Cava, drank toasts and smiled like 5 year olds without a care in the world!

What a Wonderful Life!


Jwayne said...

Congratulations on your crossing. I was amazed how fast you crossed from the Cape Verdes to Brazil. You must have had ideal conditions. I have been following your journey from the Cape Verdes. Say Hi!, to Dan and Rhonda. The modern technology is amazing, we could see your position and rate of speed, then go on google maps and see your exact location, including looking at the harbours and seeing ships (boats) in the ports!

Wayne Delta, BC Canada

Unknown said...

Hey Scott,

I'm glad you had a great time crossing the equator. There is noting quite like crossing the equator for the first time. I'm not sure when I am going to leave South Africa, but when I do we'll have to get together for some drinks.
