Tuesday, October 21, 2008

For the Dot Watchers

For those of you (like me) who were wondering what the heck Scott was doing hanging out in the middle of nowhere without moving for so long (I figured it was a particularly good vinyard with a generous vintor), it turns out that the satellite tracking system is not working.

It has not been tracking since Oct 10th. I'm sure this caused Pat to wonder since her husband Jim (of the bad poetry fame) was on board during from Oct 7 - 14.

So, they are making better progress towards the sea than it would appear. So, know that he is moving, and since I am paying monthly for the service - we will make sure that it is working soon.

- Posted by Diane for Diane :)

1 comment:

Pat Sexton said...

Yes, I did wonder why the guys seemed to be hanging out in the same spot for several days, but I figured they had met up with a group of new frenchmen that became their new best friends....introducing them to yet more wonderful french wines, cuisine, etc....I had no doubt that wherever they were, things were fine! I wasn't worried as Jim and Scott have worked their way out of many situations over the years.

Diane, I am so excited for you that you will be joining Scott in a couple of weeks...you will absolutely love everything about the Mediteranean region.

I am continuing to hear stories about the adventures of Scott, Armando and Jim. I look forward to the day I will meet Armando. Jim is already talking about visiting him in Brazil.

When I figure out how to post some of the pictures Jim brought home, I will.
